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Monthly Membership

In January 2021, adult group lessons changed from a lesson pass to a monthly membership system. Not only does this potentially reduce the average cost per lesson, but students who want to improve their English ability quickly have the opportunity to take multiple lessons a week.


Pair Work

Until December 2020, adult group lessons were mainly free talk lessons, with students talking about daily life and current affairs in a group environment. Starting in January 2021, students spend the majority of each lesson in pairs practicing the pre-determined lesson topic or theme of the day.  


Increased Speaking Time

In a group environment, where only one person can speak at the same time, individual speaking time is limited. When working in pairs, however, every student has significantly more individual speaking time. Under such a system, there's no need to worry about one student monopolizing the lesson: everyone is given an equal opportunity to speak.


Improve Faster

Being that each lesson has one pre-determined lesson topic or theme, students have the opportunity to practice the same target language for 40 minutes. Combine this with the increased individual speaking time and your English level is bound to quickly improve.


Two Locations

All daytime lessons are held at Maple English school in Shiratori-cho as usual. Starting in January, 2021, all evening lessons, on the other hand, are held at the newly rebuilt Kameda Kouryu Plaza, in Mihara. 


More Parking

Kameda Kouryu Plaza has 110 parking spots available giving students easy access to the building. The first two hours of parking are free so students have ample time to relax or review their notes before lessons in the cafe lounge area.




月謝 7,000円

年間42回受講できるように受講日を設定しております。 基本的には曜日と時間は固定ですが、そのため平日でもお休みになること、祝日でも開講する日としない日もございます。 上記以外の2週の休講はメープルイングリッシュスクールの都合で決めさせていただきますので休講する場合は前もってご連絡いたします。

There are currently two pricing plans available. For students wanting to take about one lesson per week, the Gold Plan is the most cost effective option. Students wanting to maximize their English learning should choose the Platinum Plan which enables you to take as many lessons as you'd like.



Up to 4 lessons per month



Unlimited lessons


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